Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Happy Birthday, Sherri

Today is my friend Sherri's birthday. Happy B-Day!
I got a small gift for her, today, while looking for a baseball bat for Paul.
It's a tiny thing, but I know Sherri wants it. Not telling.
I also have a ball of yarn for her, but she knows about it already.
I was going to give it to her regardless, but this Birthday Stuff came
in handy, so it can be a b-d gift. Maybe not. Once she's moved and
all the boxes are organized in her new place, she can have the yarn.

I am not going to disturb her today, she's busy getting ready for her

Anyhoooo, Happy Birthday, Sherri!!!!


Unknown said...

Thanks Pirkko, my greatest gift is having friends like you. I know it's horribly corny, but I mean it!

Pirk said...

Hope your Day was as great as you are!