Dreams a strange: Last night, in my dreams, I spoke fluent Spanish. Anoche, en mis sueños, hablé español con fluidez.
I cannot explain that.
Another dream. Here we go again, buying Christmas wrapping paper, making a list of people who would get a present. However, the secretary of the boss came to work, unexpectedly, and I had to hide the packages an wrapping papers.
She had her fluffy, white cat with her.
The cat peed on the baseboard in her office. Good Girl, the cat.
Yesterday we received AstraZeneca's COVID vaccine at our doctor's office. No problem, no pain, no side effects, as they could be possible. Well, I wouldn't want any freebies from that anyway. All is good.
I did get a cortisone shot on my frozen shoulder. That one hasn't gotten better yet.
My book shopping might have caused some problems. I bought a book yesterday, at Shoppers DM. Came home, and sure enough I have the same book on my read list. Oh, what to do now. I had the receipt, put the book back in the SDM plastic bag, and planned to return it. However, at the doctor's office, we were treated by the doc's nurse, whom we like very much. I gave the book to her. It was my pleasure, honestly, made me feel good.
I am curious to see how the new Covid-19 cases will react when some areas want to open all their restaurants. 329 in Peel Region . Mississauga and Brampton are in that area.
It is important to know what is going on, but sometimes the media makes the news very complicated, and, pardon me, a liiiitttle bit incorrect. Here is one update from few days ago. I only insert the link, so you do not have to read it. It's about areas where I live.
Ontario loosening pandemic capacity restrictions on restaurants (yahoo.com)
I am waiting for Amazon delivery today. Checked the tracking, and the order has not even been shipped. Hmph. The book, "Later" by Stephen King is with some other stuff.
I am reading as fast as I can "The Lost Apothecary", which is an interesting story.
That reminds me of this book :
I'm Dancing as Fast as I Canby