Early morning, I hope it's not going to happen every day. Yesterday at 6, this morning 6:30. Reminds me of the working days. Did I ever mention that I am retired, and have earned the right to sleep into the noon hours. Staying up and reading into wee hours at night.
We were watching a neighbour's balcony event: on the 8th floor, there was a hawk. Fist I thought it was dead, hanging from the balcony rail. Then he started moving .
Finally the hawk was free and flew away. Hubby was taking pictures with a strong zoom and from there he was able to see that two pigeons were stuck in a net, and the hawk tried to get them. However, one of the pigeons fell on the balcony floor and the hawk flew away.
It's a huge problem here, specially now when it's pigeons romancing time.
There are quite a few hawks
around these buildings, and hubby takes pictures of Hawks and pigeons here. Out in the parks are other birds. His pictures of different birds are amazing.
around these buildings, and hubby takes pictures of Hawks and pigeons here. Out in the parks are other birds. His pictures of different birds are amazing.
Today is another day without knitting or crocheting. I hope I can stay away for a few weeks, so that my aching arm and thumb will heal. It's tough, as I have seen so many started projects that I want to finish, but I really should be smart and behave.
Unfortunately these are only a few of my WIPs (Work In Process). There are more, and then more. My plan is to collect all unfinished items in bin/s. and Weep.
I replaced knitting with searching for my watercolours and brush type pens. I found a Chinese brush painting set. Years have gone by since I had bought this one
I organized my found collection, cleared a place for all of them. Now, what will I do next?
The fact is, I might just look at the stuff and admire the neat order of all the tools creating art by drawing or painting. Something else will come to catch my interest, and my learning new things is put in the back burner, of which the fuse has burned out.
I wish I could keep my inspiration with me, not to have it fly away after seeing something else. Which probably will be lost quickly, too.
There is one hobby that keeps me interested, and that is books.
some here. With painted boxes. The La Boca was done by my SIL Nancy, and the Trinket box was given to me by my former boss. The Gallery box is the one my son gave me one Christmas. The book sans name, is a sketch book.
And these are the books I have read this year. I have been a bit slow with my reading this year. Last year I read 75 books.
Right now I am reading "Every Single Secret" Looks like I am going to be reading today.
Have a day of your interests and I will have mine.
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