Saturday, March 20, 2021

Tired of my Dang Shoulder Pain

First of all, this is how our cat, Missy, welcomed us at home.  Caption:  Where is my food, I am starving.  The cat is fat, and doesn't understand what dieting means.  She bites if she doesn't get her food. Pronto, ASAP, STAT

So, the shoulder pain, pss off,  I tried to knit a few rows last night, and this morning I woke up cursing the pain caused by knitting a few stitches. No mercy. The thumb snickered behind a Voltaren tube.

I also, I admit, crocheted a few sc ones, but gave up, because the thread didn't like the hook I was using.  How is it possible that a yarn could be arrogant enough to deject yarn that I chose to test.

Just to make myself to weep a little bit, here is a freeform Irish Crochet piece I had crocheted some time ago, and alas, where is it?

Another item I am going to start looking for where it could be.  The list is quite long now. 
There is a notebook, watercolour tray with colour tiles, my mind, blue variegated and solid colour sock yarn, and I forgot what else. 


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