Thursday, March 18, 2021

Battle with boxes

 Good Morning.

Spent all the non-existent strength from my arm and hands cutting, knifing, tearing boxes for re-cycling. Amazon boxes, easy, Avon boxes, darn it, harder, and then the frigging Costco delivery box. Holy macaroni, I used a sharp knife, two different ones, Fiskars scissors, heavy kitchen scissors, my strength (poor arms). At first the pieces were nice, small and even, then they started getting bigger, and with torn sides.
Well, the work is done. and I need a very strong coffee. I mixed Melitta with espresso coffee, and not strong enough. But it has to do for now.

The picture of a box is not the one I destroyed, but could not find the right one, as it was already in pieces by the time I decided to warn you about the Heavy Sweet Potato box from the States. Do not try to cut it in any way, just step on it, jump on it, let all your frustration to act on that stupid box. Well, it's good for delivery, but then you need to re-cycle it in pieces.

Now comes the tying the pieces in a bundle.

The cat bed, I made,, is in the back.
One of the cats is looking for treats, the other one is checking if I give any to the other, if so, she will jump out of her fancy cardboard box and want treats, too.
Merlin waiting for treats?

Missy checking if she will get some
Sir Oliver is in Cat Heaven. Miss him.

I have not been able to take the recycle stuff out, too many things caught my eyes.
Empty the trash, take the knives back to the kitchen, oh, and wash some of the wash cloths, but first clear the bathroom counter. There is a bottle of cannabis oil (for pain), which should be in the medicine cabinet (which I don't currently have, as all the medicines are everywhere.)

Hence, my favourite free time is searching for something.
Usually knitting needles, yarn of right colour, odds and ends, as in shoes, when one is missing. And many more other things. Seems like I am constantly looking for something.

Now getting ready to go out. Where? Michaels store? Nah, I don't need more yarn.
I'll invent something with what I have.

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