Saturday, January 28, 2012

HeartMade Blessings

For many times in the past years I have made crocheted squares for HeartMade Blessings organization, and finally joined the Yahoo group. I have not taken pictures of my prior squares, but will start now.

The picture here does not show exact colors, but if you imagine white as white, purple as amethyst, and red as cherry, you got it.

The required yarns for these squares shown here are Red Heart Amethyst (356), Red Heart Cherry Red (319), and Red Heart White.
I also have two shades of blue, but have not worked with them yet.

Hubby and I made a trip across the border to Amherst, NY, yesterday, just to get yarn for these squares. Amethyst yarn is hard to find in my corners, and we thought it would be a good idea to try the stores in Amherst. I had several options, K Mart: no yarns there at all, Jo-Anne: no amethyst there, but had the blue colors. We stopped at Tim Horton's for a cuppa, and a very nice lady was telling us about the brand new Hobby Lobby and Walmart nearby. I thought, great, two possibilities. Hobby Lobby had the yarn in amethyst, and I was so happy that I forgot
to check what other yarns they have. As you might know, if not, that's OK, I have yarns and yarns and yarns at home, but "not the right colors" . Every time I go to a yarn store, I ALWAYS check the yarns, but not yesterday. I headed straight to the yarn section, caught Red Heart section, and that was all.

On the way home I crocheted with the yarn I had with me for the trip (hubby was driving), and
Canadian Customs officer asked if I was going to make a scarf for him, LOL.

Got thru that part with a smile and good feeling in the heart.

I crocheted all night, really, all night until 3 a.m. I was up that late because I was watching the movie "Shining". I should have not read the book first, because the movie left me cold.
So many good parts were either changed or omitted. That's the way it goes, I suppose.
I would have given 7 out of 10, but I am not a critic and have no statue made for me.

I just didn't find the movie scary, and had no nightmares. Enough said.

It's starting to snow with tiny snowflakes, you cannot see the individual ones, just white rain-like stuff running down from the gloomy clouds. I was going to walk to the mall, but I changed my mind, and decided to stay indoors and perhaps crochet some bright green squares.


Janet said...

When I saw Heartmade Blessings I thought it was Drew's group. I used to send him 12" squares all the time. I like doing things for charity. I get to crochet and someone else gets to enjoy it. Perfect situation!

I saw The Shining but it's been so long ago I don't remember whether I liked it or not. I read the book but again - a long time ago.

Pirk said...

Drew might have been involved with that group, but I don't know if he is with them or not.

IVELISE said...

Hi Pirk!My name's Ivelise and I'm a crochetr from Brazil! I just met your blog, and I loved it! I hope I can have the honor to have your visit on my blog too, Your hand made work is very very good!Congratulations!!! Sunny greetings from Brazil dear!!:-))))