Sunday, June 08, 2008

New interests

I joined another group

New stitch once a week, in embroidery. Can you just scratch your head?

Well, I have been surfing the net since joining that group. I managed to make three stitches. Of course I didn't have the right canvas, so WalMart here I came, saw, and bought, some canvas.
I didn't remember to buy the round thing that holds the fabric. I could swear I have one, for what reason, that would be one other mystery. I printed a lot of freebie stitches from the net, but that really didn't satisfy me. I had to buy something. So I did. It's an embroidery magazine, but it was packed in plastic so I could not check it out in the store. It did come with a free embroidery supply pouch. Maybe I was more interested in that than the magazine.

This morning, or better around noon, I went to a nearby mall, to check the books in the "leftover" bookstore. The store was gone. It was a sign: either embroidery isn't for me, or I should check what I have at home. Sure enough, I have three great books on my book shelf.

Since I have never done any stitching other than crochet and knit, and some buttons and pant hems, these books have had a restful time on the shelf, since they were bought.

This new hobby might not last long, since it involves healthy attention, and my attention isn't the best on anything. Perhaps that is why I love freeform crochet and knitting so much, and perhaps that is why I have such a severe case of startitis. In any event, I am going to try, so I can say I did.

1 comment:

Gina E. said...

Pirk you are a funny person! "Startitis" LOL! I giggled all the way through that post, about looking for books then finding the shop had gone, THEN finding you had books on embroidery at home anyway!